Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Holiday Season and lots of turkey

It's been over a week since I last wrote.  It's not that I haven't wanted to jump on here, nor is it that I haven't had anything to write.  It's just I have no idea where the time has gone!  Starting in mid November, it's like the days are a blur.  I also haven't ran in over a week and it's making me moody.  When the days are short - dark mornings on the drive to work and a dropping sun as I drive home - I find it difficult to talk myself into getting out for a run.  I am jealous of those that can wake up early or get out late for a run.  Other times of the year, I have no problem being one of those people as I don't sleep much.  But in the winter, I'm like a big bear, and all I want to do in the colder months is hibernate!

Fortunately, Jess has done an outstanding job of keeping us organized and moving along with shopping for Christmas gifts which will help with the stress in December.  And hopefully that means that we can sweat it out at the gym in December while others are getting their workout standing in long lines at stores.

It's Thanksgiving Eve and here comes a four day vacation.  Thank goodness.  Tonight we are going to go play with tiger cubs (ok, these aren't cubs - they still are big enough to topple us) and tomorrow we are doing our first ever Turkey Trot.  And the weather couldn't be better for it!  I'm looking forward to writing my second ever review on BibRave about the race.  Post-race, it's back to the house to prepare a huge meal for just the two of us that will leave me in a food coma for days.

Speaking of which, I found this great article on Active titled "Can One Day Kill All My Hard Work?" (Here is that Wonderful Article)  The answer is "no", if you are good.  Unfortunately for me, the answer is "yes" because I can't keep my hands off leftovers!  Guess that just means I will have to run a little more the next few weeks.  Small price to pay for a gut busting amount of stuffing!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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