Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday Runday ... and Pain Day

I finally caved.  Jess has wanted me to join her for a Pilates class at LA Fitness for as long as I can remember.  Typically, she does a class on Thursday's and Saturday's and that gives me a chance to spend an hour on the treadmill.  Seeing a tire around my midsection, I have realized I need to work on my core, so when she found a class on the schedule for today, I told her I would join her.

Ok - I told her I would join her a couple days ago.  Then we decided that last night we would grill out and play some board games with friends.  That also included having a few beers, and staying up about 3 hours past our normal bed time.  And to top that off, I still woke up about 6 AM this morning.  Needless to say, I was not as excited about the 9:45 class this morning when she reminded me about it.  But I sucked it up and off we went.

I found out that my legs are in great shape.  Not overly surprising, since I run races all year long.  But I also found out I probably have the worst abdominal muscles of anyone that was present in class.  And that included all the senior citizen ladies that were in there.  Yeah, my abs are like jelly, and will probably be pretty pissed off at me tomorrow morning.  But, in all fairness, I did like the class.  And I probably will try to incorporate it into my routine.  I realized there is a lot that a class like that offers the could help my running long term.

We still got out for a long run this afternoon.  Even with a 12 mph wind, we nailed down 10 miles of me running while Jess rode the bike next to me.  I had planned on it being an easy run, but that didn't end up happening.  Thanks to analytical tools on Strava, I found out that I spent over half of the run in my "tempo" speed range.  

Speaking of Strava, I got my first "premium" training program email today.  It let me know that tomorrow is a rest day and I have no workout scheduled.  Kind of defeats the purpose of the email, but whatever.  I am excited to have a day of no exercise - I'm sure I will need a rest day as I slither down the stairway in the morning in pain.

Left, right, repeat

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