Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday Morning

Enjoying a peaceful cup of coffee at 6:20 on a Saturday morning. This time yesterday I was knocking out 4 miles on the treadmill. This time next week I will be on my way downtown to run the Indy 500 mini marathon.

Today I have a workout that takes more patience and strength then both of those. We have Ella and AK for Thr weekend and heading to Terre Haute to meet up with my parents for the afternoon. Nothing like close to four hours in the car singing the "Weenie Man" song to lose your sanity! :) wouldn't trade it for the world though.

Left, right, repeat

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I was really hoping to run in the rain last night!  I left work, with it sprinkling and the sky in the west looking terrible.  There is something about running in the spring rain that is just so relaxing and refreshing.  Maybe it's the cool air, the smell of the rain and the flowers, or just the fact that I can act like a kid and jump and splash in the water puddles ... I don't know, but I love it!  Unfortunately, as soon as I got out the door, it quit raining and the sun popped out.  I'm not one to say I don't like the sun, but I really was hoping for a little rain!  Got my run in, got home and cleaned up, and THEN it started pouring.  Typical...

Anyway, got an outstanding tempo run in last night.  I ran 5.25 miles at a 6:53 average pace.  Didn't give me much time to think or enjoy the smells and what not, but felt good to go hard!  However, my legs are NOT happy with me this morning.  Oh well, they'll get over it.

Left, right, repeat

Monday, April 23, 2012

Almost Halfway

Had a great run yesterday. Was supposed to meet up with a couple people to run together but that got canceled. Life happens. Still ran on the Monon though, starting at 96th Street and with intentions of turning around near Broad Ripple. Instead I kept going. I felt good. DMB was jamming. I finally turned around near the fairgrounds which made it a 12 mile run! That's my longest since the Geist half last may. And yet, it's not quite the halfway point of the Monumental Marathon.....

Anyway, felt good all day yesterday. Unfortunately the soreness set in overnight. Poor legs!!

Left, right, repeat

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Beautiful night to run this evening! Not a cloud in the sky, no breeze, somewhere around 70 degrees. Got a solid six mile run at a pace much faster than I had planned, especially after last night's tempo run. And then it hit me... I realized why this marathon will be tough.

I have no doubt I can run 26.2 miles. I have done it once before, even though it was five years ago. The worry I have is about LSD (long slow distance). In training for half marathons and shorter races I do all my runs at a fairly quick speed ... faster than what most training programs call for. Tonight's run was at a 7:22 pace. But the long miles are suppose to be slooooow. To build ip endurance and prepare the mind and body for what it's like to run for hours on end. Like 9 minutes per mile or slower. I don't know if I can purposely reduce my time on longer runs. That part will be my toughest challenge.

Time will tell (literally) but guess I will have to try. We will see....

Left, right, repeat

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I have a need... A need for speed!

Found my new enjoyment - taking running clothes to the office and running home! Granted I about got knocked out by traffic in the Keystone Crossing area but made it home in one piece! A solid tempo run of 5 miles at a 6:59 pace per mile. Wonderful evening!

Oh and how about the Boston marathon yesterday? All those runners are awesome to perform how they did in such insanely warm and humid weather!

Now time for homemade pizza.

Left, right, repeat

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Save the date: June 5th!

Rest day today! 24 miles of running this week so the legs are due for rest!

June 5th - save the date! Please come to Scotty's Lakehouse from 5-10 and help with my fundraising for Back on My Feet! I will soon have a flier that you can present that night and Thr restaurant will donate 10% of your meal cost to BOMF. A win win for everyone!

And if you need recommendations on what to eat, my favs are either the Mo'Fo chicken wrap with the hot sauce or the Shewman's Special! Mmmmmmmmm!

Left, right, repeat

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

23 days...

I just had my countdown reminder pop up telling me it is 23 days and 23 hours until the Indianapolis 500 mini marathon (13.1 miles). Random reminder was my first thought. But then I thought more about how this year, for the first time ever, I haven't really been counting down for that race. Of course I am excited about it - it's ranks as one of my favorite race for many reasons. The "energy" of the runners and crowd supporters before and during the race. The volunteers who help out. The fact that the race has 35,000 runners (it's the largest half marathon in the US). And it's the race I circle on my calendar as MY big race of the year ... the one that I always want to "PR" (personal record).

But not this year. The full in November has taken over. I am pumped about attempting 26.2 miles! And I am pumped about helping with Back on My Feet! Thank you to everyone who has donated already!

And now time for my life insurance physical. Safe to say, I'd rather be running!

Left, right, repeat

Monday, April 9, 2012

Well.... awkward attempt at blogging!

I am starting this blog to keep everyone updated on my marathon training.  I am signed up to run the Indianapolis Monumental marathon on Saturday, November 3rd.  I have ran many races of different lengths; on May 5th I will be running my 12th ever half marathon (13.1 miles) for the Indianapolis 500 program, and in September I will be running the half marathon at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH.  I have ran one full marathon, back in 2007, but don't really classify it as a good run.  My training was bad, I didn't keep to my race goals ... and it ended in a bad experience.  My time was 3:49 (yeah, three hours and forty-nine minutes of 26.2 mile torture!). 

However, over the last year I have had an itch to try again (this time with better planning) and in March, I finally got the courage to sign up for the Monumental (thanks, Jess, for the encouragement!).  And to keep my goals on track, I decided this would be a great time to "fundrace" for a charity I have followed for 4 years - Back on My Feet.  Now not only do I have personal goals to shoot for, but I have people counting on me to keep up my end of the bargain.  Bring on the pressure!

So lets do this!  First blog ever is wrapping up after a solid run with Greg McCormick this evening.  A great 6 mile effort into a strong head wind.  Followed up by dinner prepared by Jess (uh yeah, you guys read that right!) and now resting the night away in my compression sleeves (best running product ever)!

Check back often ... I am relying on each of you to bug me if you don't see me posting about many workouts!  I need YOU to keep me motivated and on track as well!